Health Coaching
Hey mama! Looking for a safe space to land while you’re navigating
“all the things” on fertility, pregnancy, birth, and postpartum recovery?
Like myself, I bet you have spent hours, going down rabbit holes trying to learn:
- What do I do to prepare my body for getting pregnant?
- How do I best prepare my body for birth?
- How do I take care of my body after the changes of pregnancy?
- How do I sleep, rest, or even think of exercising while caring for a baby?
- How do I nourish myself now that I am too busy with baby to even think of eating.
I see you and I have this covered for you mama.
My clients and I have done it all…
- Read all the books, the mommy and pregnancy blogs
- Signed up for emails from Baby Center
- Lurked on social media…and more.
But what I know from my own experience with 5 kids & my clients is that mamas can LEARN to handle whatever is thrown at them. But first, they find confidence and power for each part of the process. This confidence helps them uncover unconditional joy and calm through the adventure of pregnancy to recovery.
What if you knew you could be confident in the uncertainty of motherhood by using skill and tools in your own power to bring a healthy pregnancy and birth for both you and your babe(s)?
This is where I come in! I have helped mamas and mamas-to-be discover that the process of being and becoming a mother does not have to be scary.
This is why I team up with mothers so they have guidance, solutions, and support in the unknown adventures of motherhood and find joy and calmness in pregnancy, labor & delivery, and postpartum recovery.
What results my clients have shared with me:
- “I had the birth I wanted and felt so confident and I was able to birth the way I envisioned.”
- “I am no longer scared to give birth.”
- “I know how to nourish myself as I prepare for pregnancy.”
Coaching Mamas
• Preparing for pregnancy
• Preparing for birth
• Nutrition through the different stages of motherhood
• Other concern not listed? Please contact me today
Pregnancy Wellness & Birth Preparation Virtual Coaching Visits:
Many of my clients wish to be prepared for pregnancy and birth. This allows them to avoid the above listed concerns and have a professional guide them through pregnancy and prepare them for birth.
This program is customized for each client’s goals for their care. Additionally, birth preparation visits come with an ebook that covers many of the prep topics listed below. Many clients often extend their packages to include both pregnancy and postpartum recovery.
These visits can be combined with physical therapy in person visits.
- Movement to help baby move earth side
- Awareness of your body in preparation of baby engaging in birth
- Preparing the pelvic floor for birth through perineal massage and other holistic approaches
- Labor and delivery positions
- Comfort measures to reduce the feeling of the surge of the contractions
- Postpartum exercises provided that are gentle to begin immediately after baby and up to your 6-8 week physical therapy postpartum appointment
Ready to work together to have a healthy pregnancy and prepare for the birth you envision?
Schedule a one on one conversation to share your goals for care!
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1460 Walton Blvd Suite 224 Rochester Hills MI 48306

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Copyright 2024 Rachael Elizabeth LLC | Legal
1460 Walton Blvd Suite 224 Rochester Hills MI 48306