Physical Therapy
Health Coaching
“Dr Rachael’s services and education felt very helpful and professional. My first impression upon her arrival was that she seemed professional, confident, and passionate because she showed up promptly, came prepared, began training right away, and was knowledgeable about the subject. The resource packet she provides was colorful, informative, and professional. It is a very useful tool for me to refer to when I need a refresher on our session as it covers what she showed me and talked about, in good detail, using the same language she does.
“Her service has helped me inspire myself to become stronger and more engaged in my recovery. It makes me feel like getting my body back after baby is easily obtainable if I apply myself just a little more in my daily routine by adding awareness and a few easy practical exercises. I feel like I’ve lost some inches in my waist from this and that makes my feel very happy.” -Autumn
“Dr. Rachael’s knowledge and expertise has been invaluable to me! Her commitment to women’s health is evident in her compassionate communication and her sincere dedication to the recovery and continued care of postpartum women. She is truly invested in helping women be the best version of themselves- both physically and emotionally. I’m so grateful for her support!” -Catherine
“I took my new breathing and core exercises home and practiced with my kids. I clearly was not training my core system right before and I saw a big difference! The kids and I had a blast practicing proper breathing especially to start the day and during workouts! Now we are able to connect with our core and breath especially in sitting” -Ali